Isaac Khouzam

Year of Graduation: 2014

University and Program:

Undergraduate: University of Toronto. Major: History. Minors: Astronomy & Astrophysics and Urban Studies

Graduate: Columbia University. Dual Degree, Master of Architecture and Master of Science in Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices

Words of “wisdom”: I went into university with only a vague idea of where I wanted to end up, and no clue how I’d get there. I know that you may feel like you have to have your future all mapped out ahead of time, but I can tell you from experience: you don’t. If that’s how you want to do it, more power to you, but you can be successful without having a clear plan in mind as long as you’re willing to try new things and work hard.

I honestly don’t think I would’ve enjoyed undergrad half as much if I had felt constrained by a strict plan. As a matter of fact, I changed my plans more times than I can remember, and I didn’t decide on my program of study until third year. I enrolled in the Vic One stream most common with english majors, despite the fact that I ended up in history. I took an astronomy course in first year and enjoyed it so much I ended up minoring in it. I minored in urban studies by taking classes in Ancient Greek archeology. And I majored in history, honestly, because those were the classes I enjoyed the most.

Now–somehow–I’m about to begin a masters degree in Architecture.

So don’t be afraid to branch out and try things. Your four (or more) years at university are a rare time in your life when your primary job will be to learn, both about yourself and about the world. Take advantage of the opportunity, and enjoy it!


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